8 Ways to Support Your Freelance Creative Friends During the Coronavirus Outbreak
I admit. I’m a bit of a pro at social isolation. It’s my default and (truth be told) preferred state. I looooooove being at home.
Belly Dance and Fitness in the Pacific Northwest
I admit. I’m a bit of a pro at social isolation. It’s my default and (truth be told) preferred state. I looooooove being at home.
Let’s talk about hair extensions. Unlike some contemporary or modern dance forms, belly dance places an inordinate amount of emphasis on appearance, presentation, and grooming.
What does depression look like? It looks like me. Those of you who read this blog or come to my classes and workshops might see
I’m short. 5’1” and some change. Being short is my reality, and so, I think about it a lot. And, because I’m a dancer, I
I write a lot about essential knowledge for belly dancers, but what about the practical items? All the book smarts about belly dance history aren’t
Studies have shown that eating a whole-foods, plant-based diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, certain cancers, type-2 diabetes. It can also lower bad
What does it mean to foster a mindful dance practice? Mindfulness Is Good For You Being mindful, according to experts in the field, is the
Greetings, dear readers! Please enjoy this GUEST POST by Parya, fellow instructor at the Salimpour School of Dance and member of the Suhaila Dance Company.
On my last post about feet, one of the comments was about Morton’s Toe. Morton’s Toe, also known as Morton’s Foot—named after one Dudley Joy
Over six years ago, my now partner invited me over for a casual, friendly dinner. He cooked. Dinner. With dessert. It was delicious, wholesome, and